I hate to break the consensus... well actually, no, I don't. You see, unlike everybody else in the fucking world, I'm not about to throw endless praise at something I didn't think met a standard.
Here's the thing, the fights, with the exception of the fight between Gigantor & MindChamber, were all uninteresting, unentertaining, ended way too fast & sometimes didn't even meet a conclusion. Such as the fight between Hank & Nene, what happened? How did Nene overpower & kill Hank? Did Hank die at all? Was it Hank that got squashed underneath Mindchambers hand? Was it Hank who was defeated by P-Bot? What ever happened to Sera & how did P-Bot come to be defeated? Was it Sera who defeated him & was in turn killed by the Tankmen? What was Larry's fate? What happened to Darnell? Where did they go? Did they fight each other? Did either of them fight Hank? Did Hank fight Sera at any given point? Why are there so many plotholes? What the fuck is going on that I'm NOT getting to see?
Any interesting fight only receives 15 seconds of screen time before cutting to another scene entirely for 15 seconds before rinsing and repeating. I don't like that, I don't like being left on a cliff hanger to wonder what the fight was like when I'm supposed to be seeing first hand what the fight is like. Famous and beloved characters like Hank and Sera only receive a mere cameo of 5 seconds before disappearing for the rest of the movie's duration to make room for mascot characters who, albeit get more time than any other character, barely have any screen time at all.
I understand that this movie is a short, but the only fight that was interesting to watch was the one between Mindchamber & Gigantor because you actually got to watch them brawl; the rest of it was like a montage scene from a Rocky movie; only ever showing us a fraction of what really happened. Only in the Rocky movies, it gave us the best parts of what happened during that time, where you just gave us barely the beginning of each fight before showing us the beginning of another.
I understand that the rest of the world is easily impressed by this, for no other reason than the CGI. However, I am never impressed by 3D graphics compressed into an FLV file, however good they look. As afor mentioned by other users before me, the action is slow paced for the most part; characters jump, punch & kick as though they were submerged under water.
I also have one other problem, what's the point of altering the course of a fight, say like the fight between Fcuk+Castle Crasher, if it doesn't alter the end result of the movie? It's not like I'll end up with Darnell+Hank brawling at the end instead of Gigantor+Mindchamber, so why not give options to determine who wins which fight if it'll continue following the same linear storyline it would with or without those options?
It was nicely presented and showed promise at first, but then it just took a dive. I did enjoy the erotic scene A.K.A. the 2girls1cup reaction video[s] parody.
Click the link that leads to the Pico Day page at the beginning menu.
When Darnell+Alien Homonid are fighting, mash down your arrow keys & the Q-W-E-A-S-D-F-R-Z-X-C-V keys as much as you can with your left hand.
Same principle as the combo breaker achievement, with the exception on hitting the arrow keys; that's not necessary.
Click Sera's icon twice in the character bios menu.
When Gigantor and Mindchamber enter the open arena, press the Y key to jump to the conclusion of their fight & hold down the G key until Gigantor wins.
When Gigantor and Mindchamber enter the open arena, press the Y key to jump to the conclusion of their fight & hold down the M key until Mindchamber wins.
When Red Baron & Gigantor fight, click Barons sword.
Click on the bug that appears beneath the sofa in the Erotic Scene.
Click Baron's cleaver at the Erotic scene.
Click Pico's head when he appears at the end.