I'll be honest, I have mixed feelings regarding the matter of Jonothan Ian Mathers and his work. For one thing I share the sentiment that Mathers has more than abused the dead gimmick that made him famous to begin with, the Foamy Rants. In all honesty, his fame being derived from yelling about vapid shit was probably the worst thing that happened to him because the show became less and less about satire and actual comedy but rather more about whatever the hot button topic was at the time. In case you can't tell, I'm never the last person to critique Mathers.
However still, you've fully admitted to only watching a fraction of his work, not even knowing he existed prior to his reemergence in the portal and you think it's fair to critique his work on the grounds that you've barely even seen any of it? That kinda puts you in beneath Mathers' league when you think about it but then again, thinking about anything these days is it's own punishment.
Let's not pretend that this was made for any reason other than trying to garner attention from spitting in the general direction of an award hog on the off chance that they come back into relevancy and your material generates attention by means of area effect from the obvious backlash from the vocal minority that would ensue, which to some extent, it already has. At this point, what else could an intelligent person be left to conclude?
If this was made to truly satirize Mathers then I'm sure you would've been wise enough to watch all of his content to critique something other than what every other parody has already said. I warn you that it'll be hard to rebuke the critique I give you now as you've already said this:
"I hope that's not an edgy reference to something said by illWillPress because I've never watched more than 10 seconds of anything created by them."
Methinks you watched a couple Neurotically Yours parodies and drew in only the most common elements among them to create this parody.
Regardless, it's ironic that you're critiquing Mathers for never writing anything new and in creating this parody, you've done exactly that; said nothing new. Thus the focal point of this review.
Before you do, don't resort to the obvious ad hominems that I know are bound to come my way by pretending that I'm only giving you negative critique as a means to defend Mathers, because to say that I'm on either side is to try to validate a false conundrum by insinuating that there are only two sides. Yes, I'm very well aware of the type of mindset this topic tends to attract.
By which I mean either you the author will reply to me yelling whatever tween stereotype comes to mind, despite the fact that I'm an adult, without actually rebuking any point I made or someone else attempting to ride your dick will leave a review telling me to shut up and accept your opinion. Somehow I doubt that despite "the urge to express yourself" that you'll defend the opinion that opposes you if the latter were to occur, despite whatever glaring difference in intelligence there might be. I thought I'd just let you know what I expect.
I suppose the point I'm attempting to convey here would be 'if seeing someone challenge your position hurts your feelings, you might consider never browsing Newgrounds'.
In all honesty, if it weren't for the fact that you only critiqued Neurotically Yours for being repetitious like everyone else ever and you actually knew more than ten seconds of what you were talking about before talking about it, there wouldn't be a problem, mainly because substantial critique would be prevalent.
If I had to draw a comparison, I'd say that your parody on Full Metal Alchemist was better simply because it didn't ape off of other parodies and had an original gag. For that you receive applause but this? This is just lame.
Also, yes, I watched everything in your back catalog before writing this. It is too bad that you don't run ads in any of them, you would've made a about a buck. If you rebuke that advice saying "Moneywhore" then you'll bring me to know just how 'totally underground' you are.