You're pathetic.
Yes Eddache, "It's too short" is, indeed, a legitimate complaint. By all means, this should have a lower score for just that exact reason. If the prospect of someone complaining about the lackluster qualities in your movie are enough to scare you off then you're a massive puss. Ericho's review was fair & kind & you regurgitated it as if he kicked you in the balls. I'd hate to see how you'd respond to truly negative critique, which is what I'm about to give to you now:
#1: The animation and artwork are shitty.
First & foremost, why do your characters only ever have three fingers when it's widely known that three fingers is not a stylistic choice of studio produced content but rather a budget cut? Your movies aren't dependent on a budget at all, you make them on your own & in your spare time, that means you don't have to answer to anyone nor do you have an actual deadline, which means that taking such a shortcut is nonsensical & fucking stupid.
Furthermore, why is it that whenever your characters clench their hands into fists they always cup their thumbs underneath their other four fingers? Hell, they even punch other people with their hands clenched like that even though in reality it would break their thumbs; the thumb is supposed to curve over the other four fingers, not under. Hell, that's something that people learn when they're in Kindergarten.
It appears as though you don't even know how to properly use Flash. If you do, then why is that freshly opened soda can bent to shit? Oh wait, I see, you didn't use the Oval tool to create the top of the can with with but rather the paint brush tool, the amateur's animation tool. And are you really so lame as to use a white to transparent radiant gradient to simulate light? I guess you had to, after all the shading on the characters face suggests that light is coming in from behind him rather from the monitor, despite the fact that the monitor is clearly the only light source in the room. I'm not even saying that the use of gradients is the problem, it's how they're being applied that blows; perhaps if you used a linear white to transparent gradient to convey the light beaming at him rather than this miniature star lookin' shit clamped between the monitor and the character's face, then it might be fine. But no, wait, then we'd still have to problem of the nonsensical shading to contend with.
Oh, and motion tweening? Really? It would have taken you only three frames of frame by frame animation to convey him extending his arm forward, but not only that, the way it's done suggests that his forearm is twisted at a 360 angle because it's origin point is jabbing half way into his arm. The monitor stand suggests that we're seeing the monitor from directly behind the screen, but to the right it's angled to look it's facing the character, so which is it? Don't tell me that this guy just has a fucked up monitor that's curved into a hump, that's obviously not what you're trying to convey here. Learn some perspective.
#2: The programming is lame and uninspired.
It's becoming more & more accepted by this point that, unless you're using copyrighted content in your video, if the author doesn't have either CPM Star ads or the NG API ads installed into their movie that the author is relatively ghetto in terms of understanding the absolute basics of action script, even despite the fact that the NG API comes with instructions on how to install it. If you don't care to make a legitimate attempt then why should I care to be nice? There are no controls for operating the movie, that is to say for pausing, rewinding, fast fowarding, returning to the menu ect. Hell, even I program keyboard commands in some of my shittier Flash submissions and I'm regarded as one of the shittiest authors on this site. At least you have a preloader set up, but I wouldn't be surprised if that were an uphill struggle for you to pull off with all things considered.
#3: Inb4
Before you try to retort my critique by critiquing my content, please note that ad hominems do not a solid argument make.