Alot of problems
If it weren't for the summarization you categorized underneath "History", I wouldn't know about either Ultima Speranza or Nohta-Mutuay and only that the humans are after the remaining water in the cave.
It's a bad example of "show, don't tell" in story telling. Showing me the story would have been better than simply typing it out in text and then showing me the climax between Ultima Speranza and Nohta-Mutuay.
If someone doesn't read the synopsis, which most people do not when they're already watching the movie; then they'll have no idea what the story even is and assume that there isn't one at all and the content you animated is all there is to it.
Also the animation, although beautifully cinematic, is really confusing. When they initially tied the rope around Speranza and started pulling on it, I didn't know they were actually pulling him to align with the caves entrance; it just seemed as though it was keeping him in place.
And how did he smack the motors out of the air without blowing up his hands? I'd really like to know.
I'm also not at all a fan of using motion tweening for character animation; it just comes off as being cheap and lazy. It's like I'm expecting a gourmet only to get fast food; It's not authentic.
You also abuse the fading out to white effect way too much. It almost gave me a headache.
Although the music was great, it was really fucking quiet, I could barely hear it and I have my speakers set to their highest volume. It also doesn't work very well with the fight scene. I like the brooding, subtle theme it gives to the fight scene, but it just seems really out of place and anti climatic, especially considering the sort of build up you gave to these two in your text plot.
I also have trouble believing that you put this together over a period of years. I understand that everyone has a schedule to keep, but this just seems like something someone could and would do in one or two months time.
I generally love your work Sakupen but overall, it was okay, it could have been spectacular but unfortunately it has it's short comings.