It was great up until the voice acting occurred, because the voice work was neither very convincing in inflection nor was it very present in general. In fact, the specific dialog given doesn't help, it comes off like a writer's first attempt at gravitas and it only serves to give the impression the author is an amateur, especially since this dialog entails an immersion breaking tonal shift.
If it were me, I would've presented the dialog as momentary breaks in the action, only occurring when Brad gains momentum in the fight and breaking out of it when it serves to his detriment; he loses focus and get's smacked back into reality. In fact, with that in mind, it would've been much more powerful if there was no dialog to accompany the hallucination, much like in the actual game.
The ending was too stylized in my opinion, nobody in Brad's group really gave a shit about him apart from Terry & Otto. That said, those bizarre, casual poses don't really reflect the tone of the game or the characters for that matter. If anything, Guan should be hanging onto Terry with both hands and Olan should be pulling back on Guan. The tears falling down from Brad's face was also a bit much. Not only is the ending goofy but it's also a poor attempt at subtle drama.
The fight choreography wasn't very good either, honestly. I had no idea what was happening when Terry used his "Hottest Dance". I only realized what had happened after the fact. The way I would've choreographed that would be to show Terry giving a running start before jumping at the unnamed bandit. If I hadn't played the game myself, I wouldn't have any idea what had just happened.
Another great example was when Olan fired his arrow and there was this dramatic pause before impact. If you're gonna do something like that which comes off as humorous, take it the full 9 yards and have a closeup of the arrow slowly reaching the guy's eyeballs to his inescapable horror or something. That dramatic hang time followed by a jump cut to a grey explosion just doesn't work.
Overall, the pacing was quite poor for the most part. The tonal shift between the fight and Brad's introspective hallucination is merely an example.
I dig the art style, for the most part. You did an excellent job in accurately portraying Brad's facial features. Everyone else, however, is just "I'm an anime character". I really wish you paid more attention to detail regarding hands, because reducing fingers to rectangles is something I used to do in MS Paint and it was very obviously done that way to cut corners.
You've got genuine art talent but I think you need to have a heavier focus on scene choreography.
One last thing, I don't know what software you're using but those JPEG backgrounds were pretty awful. Their shittiness drew my attention away from the action for the most part. I don't know if it was a deliberate compression thing or if you merely neglected to optimize your export settings but I'd recommend looking into that.