It's not very funny. Everything is reminiscent of the days of only sprinkled with more amateurish moves, right down to the really low quality sound bytes, like they were compressed for a 3 meg upload on a site that accepts 100 megs. Only it's a video which means you can upload something as big as 2 gigabytes.
The animation is very cheap, it's clearly all done with motion tweening. Nothing is done frame by frame, all the animation is done with pre-rendered assets. What are the settings for frames per second? It looks like it was animated at the default 12 FPS in Flash, despite you having the obvious advantages of using motion tweening. Increasing your FPS would only add a few kilobytes to your movie, things like audio & images are what weigh down a Flash movie. All you'd have to do is stretch out the number of frames to accommodate the new FPS settings.
There are no backgrounds, except for the "pointless bonus cartoon" which ironically has more effort put into it than the main feature, which happens to be just as long as the main feature. I am baffled as to why you did it this way. You had fully rendered backgrounds for the part you allegedly don't care about but the first half of the video has less effort put into it than the unimportant shit that only exists for padding. The time you wasted on the extra bullshit should've been spent on fleshing out the core content. In fact, that's also how you should've spent the extra two weeks you had left in October.
However, that's not to say that the backgrounds you created weren't flawless. Why do the buildings in the background continue to move with a static foreground at 0:53 / -0:16? That's now how parallax works. They then come to a sudden stop once the Hearse leaps off the Brooklyn Bridge. By the way, you're missing the other half of the Brooklyn Bridge in that shot; those two steel wire beams only appear at the middle, there's only one steel wire beam to each side.
That being said, the foreground artwork, while certainly competent in that I can tell you know how to use your tools in Flash, is very basic, even for art that's meant to be used in motion tweening. There is no shading, no filter effects & everything is very under-detailed just in terms of shape. This tells me one of two things; either that this is a rush job or you tend to struggle in making art in Flash. The most complex the art ever gets is with the Slimers & think that's just because they were your main focus.
Why are all the protesters Slimers? There's only one Slimer, dude. It should've been an assortment of different ghosts. Why are there only three Ghostbusters in the cartoon? Is it because Harold Ramis is dead or did you just forget he was ever born? Why does it say "SOFTWARE" on the Ghostbusters logo? I feel like a bunch of references are being made to things too obscure for anybody to really know about.
Your grammar & sentence structuring is all over the place. I see shit like "Don't Tase me, bro?", "Stop Illegal detainment" & it's distracting more than entertaining; I can't appreciate the humor if the delivery is poor, especially when it's in written form. The only sentence that was written correctly was "Don't put me in a containment center with Osama." & that's because you didn't change any adjectives or verbs into proper nouns. I'm glad that written jokes don't appear much in the movie because that would have utterly killed it if it had any greater presence.
Honestly, I feel like this cartoon is a waste of great potential. There were all kinds of directions to explore that went uncharted either because of impatience or a lack of creativity. Of all the things that could've transpired, all that happens is the protesting Slimers appear and get busted. No dialog exchange, no elaboration on the situation, no real parallels or commentary on the Occupy Wall Street movement, nothing. It's too straight forward to be a skit, it's just a footnote. You had a clever idea and essentially did nothing with it. In fact, you even referenced the tasering of Andrew William Meyer, which while a clever reference since the proton packs appear to use plasma, it's horribly dated & has no correlation to the Wall Street protests & it comes off as desperate; it's up there with "airplane food" jokes. If you're gonna make a parody with jokes like that, why not reference the AVGN by putting "Don't ghosts have a right to death?" on one of the protester's signs rather than "After lives matter"? To summarize, the writing completely and utterly lacked the substance it merited & deserved. I almost feel inclined to do my own version of this idea.
In short, a lot of the decisions you made come off as nonsensical and unnecessary. All of what I've observed tells me two things; one, you're an oldschool Flash animator from the early to mid 2000's & two, you're an even more oldschool Flash animator from the late 90's. If neither of these are true then I am shocked to see such an old style make a comeback like this & I'm genuinely curious where you got your training & who you draw inspiration from. Either way, your lack of use in filter effects & compressed soundbytes tells me you're using one of the earliest versions of Flash. On one side you seem very new to the game & on the other you seem like an expert of the old ways.
Honestly though, for what it is, I think a score of 2.39 stars is a little harsh. I'll vote three & bump you up to a 2.41; I now regret not voting four but alas, too late now.