That was hilarious!
That was hilarious!
Pretty good.
Although the animation and artwork was kinda weird I liked it. The voice acting was splended but I think you should get a new mic 0_< but apart from that it was cool and it made me laugh when he tried to shoot at the ghosts. I can see you didn't hold back on your submission this year.
Thanks alot ;)
Not that great. Just glorified child abuse.
I didn't laugh, infact, I was mortified. Most of it was just silent filler, filler, filler. I was bored half way through, and the screamer part, not scary, interesting but not scary. The ending was weak to say the least. Do tell, please elaborate, what's so funny about child abandonment? God society has no taste in comedy anymore. This just goes to show how uncreative you really are. Pedophillia, racism, child abuse, nechrophillia and beastiality are all last resort's for comedians. Even though it's not funny, you still laugh at these ridiculously stupid taboo joke's.
Okay first, cut the filler's next time, please just cut to the chase. Even though you tried to imply suspense, it didn't work. I was just bored and wanted to leave the room.
Secondly, what was the point to all this? This was just so empty and shallow for me, what I assume were supposed to be joke's didn't make laugh at all. They were horrible.
Thirdly, the ending was just depressing and cruel. I don't find divorce's funny, I don't find child abandonment funny. Quite trying to pull half assesed master peices out of your ass and please try pulling your head out instead 'cause this is the equivilant to Family Guy. No let me rephrase that, it's less than Family Guy.
The only saving grace was the animation and the Cartoon Network style of artwork. That was the only bit of it I found entertaining.
Cut the filler's, come up with decent joke's and please put some thought into the next one, 'cause this just felt like a massive brain fart. Like you struggled with the comedy.
Rate this abusive if you want guy's, but just know, that if you do it'll prove me right, seeing as how society's trully gone to crap and they think that all this sick and depressing bullshit is funny. So go on, prove me wrong for once.
Its not child abuse because Jerry is fictitious. He isn't real. Therefor, I can do whatever I want to him
Although I did enjoy this...
I can see a definite decline in comedy on Newgrounds. Egoraptor is funny 'n' all and it's good to see people like his stuff enough to rip it off but that's the thing about cheap knock off's, they're cheap and have no real substance to the joke's implied. Originality would have been nice. Maybe some actual joke's? Or perhap's irony? it feel's like I'm trying to eat the core of a hallowed out jelly doughnut through a strawl. It's shallow, empty and pointless. Plus, you got some of the powerranger's mixed up, the tall one that you made into the blue ranger is actually the green/white ranger, and the little one you made the white ranger is actually the blue ranger. Although I did like this, it's joke's are empty and shallow.
Willy was the first Blue Parody Ranger, then left the show and Billaim was the second Blue Ranger. Then Willy came back as the tech assistant, then Vector was the White Parody Ranger, he sacrificed himself and Willy took his position as the White Ranger. It was a concious decision, not a mistake.
Awesome as alway's Dei-Sama
I hope you're submitting for Halloween this year, I'd really like to be in competition with you. Seeing as how your a great flash artest 'n' all. I hope I will live to see submition day on christmas. I really hope to impress you and some other's.
Ever plan on making another one?
Kinda remind's me of Little chicken, but better. Kinda also feels like Crash Bandicoot too [The aliens] cool artwork.
Beyond perfection.
This was trully epic... Which mean's I'll probably have to follow up on this next year. Oh well, all the more reason to work my ass off for that $1500 eh? I only hope I can pull it off and make it epic. I might just end up working on it all year... Which would suck, but at least it'll be good practice.
Just do it because you love it man, the rest will come,
just for the record I'm not eligible for the prizes, I only did this because Im a fan.
HAHAHA! That was good!
LOL! XD I get it now, took me a second to catch it, had to watch it twice before I caught on. Brilliant. Simply hilarious. I'm putting this in my favorite's box it's so good!
Aw, faggot stole my idea.
Well, at least it isn't absolute crap, but still <='(
Well anyway's, on with the review. I like how you brought it back to the original madness with the sheriff but it just seems like everybody's just letting hank kill them. Although the animation is nice and smooth it's not that great, seeing as how Hank is standing on people like they're apart of the floor and the impact of anything hitting anything is either overly exagerated or does absolutely nothing.
It's really weird when you think about it. But still entertaining.
Yea, I ended up basically doing a huge amount of work on saturday sunday and today to get this done in time and I didn't have time to mess around with bodies on floors and all... But thanks, and Hank dies at the end by the way it's just not obvious!
Affable misanthrope, common narcissist, incorruptibly amoral, aspiring arsonist, friendly neighborhood psychopath.
Joined on 12/18/06