Affable misanthrope, common narcissist, incorruptibly amoral, aspiring arsonist, friendly neighborhood psychopath.


Joined on 12/18/06

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Psychopath's News

Posted by Psychopath - April 2nd, 2009

Y3ah, Ye@h, Y3ah, hilst@rical guy's, h@ppy @pril Fo0l's day @nd blah, blah, blah.

Now ch@nge th3 sit3 b@ck, it's re@lly st@rting to p1ss m3 0ff.

I c@n't upgr@d3 my b@dge fr0m Serg@nt to Serg@nt first class.

I c@n't pl@y "Thing Thing Arena 3"

I can't deposit.

Y0u kn0w if they @ren't playing an @pril f00l's d@y j0ke 0n us and if th3y're re@lly seri0us @b0ut this, th3y're g0nna l0se th3 entire f@nbase that it took alm0st 15 ye@r's to aquire.

Ev3n th0ugh I seri0usly d0ubt it, n3ver-th3-less, 1t's really p1ssing me off.

It's n0t f0nny anym0re T0m. Inf@ct 1 d0n't th1nk @ny 0f th3 us3r's @re h@ppy with h@ving to type in a 1337 accent.

And n0 China did not unbl0ck us. They unbl0cked Y0utube th0ugh.

You kn0w wh@t? If the Chinese @re such puzzy's that they ne3d to hide from and reject anything that's n0t in th3ir 3xact im@ge, then Fuk em'. Who ne3d's businesz from someone that's s0 eg0tistical like that anyway's?

If y0u th1nk y0u're s0 great, then you d0n't need 0ur business.


Fuk the eg0tistical Neo Nazi p1ss ant "cuntry" of China. If th3y th1nk th@t th3y're to0 g00d for us, th3n they c@n fend for themselve's.

W3 sh0uldn't h@ve t0 ch@nge f0r @nyone, th3y can eith3r @ccept us @s w3 ar3 0r fuk 0ff.

Posted by Psychopath - March 23rd, 2009

How's it lookin'? It's not finished but how's the animation flow?

How's it lookin' so far?

Posted by Psychopath - March 5th, 2009

I gotta call off the Collab. Why? Well here's the pure and simple truth, the first submission to the collab I have weigh's 11 MB's. I compressed the shit out of it and it's still 11 MB's. NG only allow's 10 MB's on the site.

If only one 1:30 minute movie weigh's that much in MegaByte's then how do you expect me to get all the other's in without it breaching a full Gigabyte?

Sorry guy's, I really wanted to do it, as mindnumbing as it is to reformate I really wanted to see this through, but until NG decide's to raise their MB limit to 500 or somthing, I can't do it.

It was gonna be so cool too.

Sorry guy's.

Posted by Psychopath - February 26th, 2009

Hey everyone!

Have I got new's for you, since I have now 3 flash movie's I want to propose a new flash collab.

But wait, most of you don't have flash do you?

Well that's not a problem!

Allow me to elaborate

This flash movie is for people who use whatever they wan't for their movie's, [Flash, Sony Vegas, ect.] just so long as you import them into WMM and send the WMV file to me.

There is no frame limit, no Height, width, X, Y or Z restrictions.

I reformat everything myself.

Here are the rule's of engagment:

#1 It has to have comedic value, nothing series, just comedy. It can be original, a parody or a meme for all I care, just no drama, you can utilize the drama for comedic effect, but there has to be comedic effect none the less.

#2 Your portion can't be more than 1:30 minute's in length.

#3 You can't use the Carramel Dansen song. If you do it will be rejected, every other song is fine.

#4 It can be inaproperiate, but only to an extent, you can't have kiddie porn, zoophillia, straight up porn, ect. Other than that, the movie can consist of what the fuck ever you want.

#5 The entry has to have audio.

#6 The entry has to be a WMV [Window's Media Video] file.

#7 You have to include your Alias/NG name in the Email, not your real name, your screen name, remember that.

#8 You have to send me a buddy request so that I can add you on as a collaborator, otherwise I can't add you on.

#9 The deadline is March 31st, you can miss the deadline and still send in your work if you'd like, but it'll have to be reserved for another collab of this nature.

Send in your WMM file's to abbmcorp@gmail.com

Other Note's:

This is probably the easiest collab that will ever exist and/or has ever existed, so please participate and keep this thread alive so that other's may see and participate in this collab.

Thank's in advance.

Posted by Psychopath - February 11th, 2009

Hey long time no see NG, you look no different [lol]

So anyway's, I've been on the move alot lately and such, I gave a friend of mine some girlfriend advice [Good luck Callum!]

I just now got the internet working at my new place and I have a new Flash movie for you to enjoy.

I have plenty more on the way, but not for a long time though. It's interesting to see that Whoopzilla hasn't been blamed yet, and that it has been favorited a couple of time's.

I'm still anticipating to see it's score after it's made it's way through the portal. It's probably gonna be like, zero, lol.

Well anyway's, I'm also gonna go work on some other flash movie's now and I hope you enjoyed Whoopzilla.

Cya later!

/* */

Posted by Psychopath - December 7th, 2008

I couldn't resist. It had to be done.

Sorry Darkness...

Posted by Psychopath - December 4th, 2008

Coolios that Ross' info is still there.

Stamper you silly one.

Posted by Psychopath - November 30th, 2008

I'll be updating you know what with a print button and a soundoff/soundon button for the you know what game so if you don't wanna listen to the music you would press the outlaw megaphone button to turn it off.

Anyway's, the Fiff4Ever system. Haven't been working on it, till today. So today I decided to try and use action script to delete stuff with when other stuff was clicked. Didn't quite work out for me, so out of frusteration I go to behaviors to see if that'll work and lo' and behold I found somthing that could fix my sound problem.

Now all I need to do is find some action script to replace one button with the other after it's been clicked. I think this will work nicely.

Posted by Psychopath - November 21st, 2008

So now we've begun to haul our shit over to the storage unit until we can get to nunya, as in, nunya business. Most of the shit we've hauled so far weighs a metric ton, I'm not kidding either, I've had a real struggle with all this stuff, but the point is that we're packin' up are shit.

But apart from that, I decided to go with my idea a few day's ago [Last Post] and make a Service Directory system for Yiff games that I'll update regularly. It'll be called, the Yiff4Ever system. Basically it consists of picture's from Yiff game's I've found put into a slideshow format compressed into a button format, so when you click it, it links up to the game.

Right now, all I have done in terms of the Yiff4Ever system was take picture's of yiff games on the NG and complete a glowing "More Yiff Games" button that links you to the Yiff4Ever system in the Flash game.

I know of a 3D flash game on another site called Foxxx somthing somthing somthing. Basically it's a 3D game of two fox's fucking each other, even though there's little to no fucking occuring in the game, but there is alot of fourplay. It wouldn't work for me for some reason and just kept giving me error message's. So sadly no highly advanced 22MB 3D yiff game.

But yeah, apart from that things are riding pretty smoothly. I'm also hoping to install a password system into the game so for those of you who have already beat the game a billion time's and don't feel like going through the hassel, I'll install a passcode for you [Provided I actually manage to figure it out that is =P] Oh and that Rightclikc+Foward crap is gonna fly out the window come next update.

So if you care enough to track my BBS, Blog and other kinds of posts then you might be aware of a christmas project of mine. It's an animation yes, pornographic twas not. It's going, eh, swimmingly I guess, not really what I had in mind but it'll work itself out.

Also to those of you who say I have no talent or skill and should just give up, I think you may want to rethink those statements. A 14 year old animated that.

Oh also on that topic, I'm 15 now, which pretty much means I'm being sucked out of the colon that is preperation for adulthood and spat out into the toilet that is emancipation. I don't plan on staying with my family after 18, I wan't to be able to support myself and not have to rely on other's for help when in need. I am so screwed. Well I got 4 year's left, plently of time right? Right.

Cya on the flipside Colon hat, I already know of your response, it'll be somthing like "Faggot" right? Of course it will, because that's just how retarded you are. Aww, lookit, dipshit's trying to form sentences, isn't that just the most precious thing? =3

More Update's + Moving + Animation Difficulties

Posted by Psychopath - November 14th, 2008

I made a few update's to the Lola Bunny Hentai Quiz today so by this time, by my luck, on Sunday the updated version be up on NG.

I didn't do much though, just added a few more pics/quiz's so now instead of just 16 pics, there'll be 20! Yay!

But while I was uploading the updated version I noticed somthing, there's 20k view's on that fucker. I'm thinking of importing a flash ad in there since the morale is so high.

I'm also thinking of making a directory service line for more yiff game's on NG and other websites just to boast morale even further. What do you think? Would that be good? Whatever.

Oh yeah also if I do proceed in this directory service line, the tags will be picture's/buttons with the name of the artist. But the buttons will become animated slideshow pics when you scroll over them.

Wouldn't that be awesome? I bet it would.

Anyway's I would show an example but the only one I have is 380k where as the limit on NG is 150k

So that's about it. P.S: Easter Egg clock!
