Well it's been done for a while now, gotta wait another whole month's time before I'll actually submit it [Holloween submission. How quant] First off, I'm deeply disapointed with this one, the lip syncing is barely off [It's hard to lip-sync well when it's only 18 fps] plain and simple, I'm unsatisfied with it, but I refuse to fuck with it in attempts to make it better. Although it's not up to my standards, I have no doubt of this gaining significant popularity. It may not be on the front page this year but that's alright, so long as it doesn't get flamed to death as my previous submission has.
Beside's which, it should be a good start as far as flash is concerned, a decent way to kick it off with the regular's of Newgrounds. It's not horrible, but not cinimatic either, which is really sad 'cause I wanted it to do the actual Evil Dead movie's justice by having it be APAP [As Professional As Possible]
Now onto more recent new's, yes I did update my submission this year with the proper preloader and a subdecent replay button [The sound it make's just make's it so fucking awesome] and looking back on it now, seeing how much work I put into this project, it just feels like it wasn't worth the effort. This is somthing that could have been finished in a week's time but, nooo I had go back and give them new body's on every individual fucking frame [BTW, there's almost 3000 frame's] which occupied more than enough time to have made about 30 copy's of this one movie from scratch.
Maybe that's what's so disapointing about this mess of frame's. Maybe it's because of how much unecessary work I put into this for such a little project. It's rendered me helpless basically, seeing as how difficult it was just to finish this one project, I'm not really feeling up to making more flash movies.
But maybe now that I see how this project should have been orcesterated, I won't make the same mistake again and I can run off that to give me reason to make more flash. Yeah, maybe so.
But anyway's, even though there arent any holiday's [That I know of] in September, all I gotta say is happy holloween. I hope you'll like the project I exhausted myself over, seeing as how hyped I was while making it, I hope you guy's will feel just as hyped watching it.
Lata my fellow Deadite's, I'm off to make one more finishing touch to the project before I'm done completely, hopefully this unfinished business I have to attend to will help rejuvenate my confidence in this project flying swimmingly [You know what I mean >_o] and will also help improve the movie significantly.
So in salvation, I will resort in falling into the noob/virgin category and ask you to be gentle and that this is my first time whilst keeping a positive attitude come this October.
I'm probably gonna go play video game's and spam the BBS for a while.
Cyanora, Shadow the NGer. [lol, I made a funny!]