Affable misanthrope, common narcissist, incorruptibly amoral, aspiring arsonist, friendly neighborhood psychopath.


Joined on 12/18/06

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Psychopath's News

Posted by Psychopath - October 26th, 2008

Ich entschied mich dafür, Ding zu würzen und den Blitz-Film ein kleines bisschen zu modifizieren. Ich habe 3 neue Osterneier gepflanzt. Sieh, ob Sie sie finden können. Auch die Audioinformation ist jetzt verfügbar. Das sollte Sie beschäftigte Jungen behalten, während ich einen neuen Weihnachten-Blitz antreibe.

Osterngüte von Ei und Shakespeare für alle!

Posted by Psychopath - October 23rd, 2008

I just figured out how to make animated GIF files. This is just a test to see if it works or not.


Posted by Psychopath - October 15th, 2008

I'd Imagine that you're here because of the new flash I submitted, Evil Dead: Ejaculation. I hope that by the time I come back to see my user page that it isn't blammed. This project was exhausting.

I hope you like it somewhat. Tell me what you think, that is if it's still there by the time I get back.

BTW, today's the 15th making this the 27th yearly anniversary of Evil Deads theatrical release. So I posted my movie on the same day it was released.

Happy 27th anniversary, Happy Mischief Night and Happy Halloween!


Posted by Psychopath - October 9th, 2008

ARGH! Youtube deleted my account... AGAIN! Yeah, this will have been the second time it happened. The reason why is because I made a video of Cartman from Southpark from the movie doing his "Kyle's mom is a bitch" censord. Yeah that blow's chunks and further more I can't start out fresh either unless I change my IP address. So no, fuck youtube, Newgrounds has been MORE than kind to me on this subject matter, so it may be a while before I redevelop an account on youtube. I still have the CrapFlashCorp channel [thank god] So anything I thought that was worth mentioning will go up there.

In lighter new's, Evil Dead: Ejaculation will be up on Newgrounds on next Wednesday which will be the 15 of October, the same day the first Evil Dead movie was released [theatrically] it's been hard resisting the temptation to just cut loose and put it up now but if I can wait a month and a half to release it then I think I can wait a few more day's. 6 to be precise.

And my christmas project is going well. I don't have any new screen shot's for you guy's yet so here's one that's old but new if that make's any sense.

Well I'm going to go fuck off and play Suicide Salaryman, the only game right now that can cheer me up this youtube crap has shaken me up so bad.


Posted by Psychopath - September 27th, 2008

And I gotta tell ya, I'm not at all excited about submitting my Evil Dead project this year. Although I'm highly displeased with it, I'll submit it anyway's for the hell of it. Maybe I'll win somthin' this year? I would hope for 1st place, but unless nobody beside's I submit's a sub decent Halloween intry this year then well.... Yeah you get the basic image.

What I am excited about though is my new project! I won't disclose anything yet, but it's a christmas intry. I'm really happy with the result's I'm getting. Mostly because this part in particular is so easy to do.

Here's a screen shot.

this is really shaping up to be a good submission this year.

3 day's till october,

Posted by Psychopath - September 23rd, 2008

As almost nobody know's, I used to collect Furby's, but since my family was poor, all I could afford were the furby's you could get at MCdonnalds. Now I've forgotten about them for many many year's and, well, I dreamt about them the other night.

Now according to my mother they're down in the basement where we stock pile almost everything.

So I decided that I wanted a real one and holy crap, not only are they scarce but they're also incredibly expensive.

I mean, look at this! This has to be the most expensive collectable I have ever seen! And also, according to this, there's over 800 different models... Wow... I am amazed... So, how much are the McDonnalds one's worth?

Holy fucking shit....

Posted by Psychopath - September 22nd, 2008

I think I drew Hank pretty well. It took me 3 day's to make and sadly my Printer isn't big enough to scan the whole thing ='[

But at least I got most of it in. Suck's though that most part's of it are fucking blury when they shouldn't be, like his fucked up hands.

Anyway's enjoy

Matrix Hank

Posted by Psychopath - September 20th, 2008

...I get frusterated. I would go to the BBS and argue with people senslessly but, 7 day ban...

Anyway's, quick question, why is it that whenever I mention the CrapFlashCrew the post suddenly dies? It's not a spam post, it's the real thing. I'm dead fucking serious, no joke. It's a real crew with real member's.

Here, see for yourself.

Anyway's, happy birthday Erick! 'Nuff said.

So yeah, basically I'm bored and I got nothin' else to do but make this stupid ass post.

So yeah, Halloween is supposedly going to be an Omega-ball this year, hopefully. There's gonna beer fest in Denver this year, which is also an NG meeting place this year, so you know what this means right? KRINKLES!!! YAY!!! Also, my halloween submission, of which we've discussed more than enough already and last but hopefully not least, I'm going to a Halloween party this year that Erick is hosting [Once again, yay!] all I need are directions and I'm set.

Also, Madness day; neglected it completely, but due to this year's awesome splash screen, I'm going to participate next year.

I'm not going to say how I'm going to orcesterate it, but it's meant to be epic. I won't discuse it until I've fully confirmed and/or completed said madness 09 project.

But since not this year, all I gotta say is, once again. Happy-Halloween

When boredom strikes...

Posted by Psychopath - September 16th, 2008

Hehehe, up, that sounds about right. So anyhoo, I made an easter egg for the Evil Dead flash [Well I didn't make if for the soul purpose of being an easter egg, I at one point I actually submitted it as a stand alone flash movie and it got blammed with a score of 1.57, oddly enough, the reason for blam was because not enough people got to see it T_T] in a sad attempt to glamer it up as much as possible. I'm gonna throw in a couple of other flash movie's that never made it through judgment as easter eggs. Nothin' too special. So if you wanna have some candy left over from easter as well as the traditional halloween candy, come in and rest your soul. We got plenty to go around mon!

Speaking of Halloween I'd just like to note that Halloween is infact my favorite holiday and I look forward to it each year, I treat it as a timely sanctuary for character's such as myself. So for those of you who want to pull some Pre-Holloween pranks this year on Mischief day which is on the day just before Halloween, here's some tips.

#1 Keep with the season, if you're gonna go TP someone's house dont just take ordinary toilet paper and toss it, spray paint it purple, orange and black before you toss the roll.

#2 If you're gonna leave a flaming bag of you-know-what on somebody's doorstep, please try to substitute the bag with a jacko lantern. A flaming bag of shit is just plain insulting, but a flaming Jacko Lantern of shit? That's awesome, so original, so out of the ordinary and so clever! People will trully appreciate your creative thinking.

#3 If you're gonna egg someone's house then try doing this: Get a grocery bag [Make sure it's thin so it'll break] dump in a bunch of eggs, [rotten egg's are much more prefured] tie off the head from the body [Bottom from handles] with a string and sharpie a face onto the head. Now you have a Ghosty in a Basket for all of your house egging related needs!

In other news, the CrapFlashCrew is flying swimmingly. We have two new member's which make's a total of 4 members! And one of them's a pro! Go check out his Cookie Cut Caveman submission.

So happy Mischief day and Happy Halloween from your's trully.

Easter Eggs! CrapFlashCrew and the Halloween!

Posted by Psychopath - September 14th, 2008

Well it's been done for a while now, gotta wait another whole month's time before I'll actually submit it [Holloween submission. How quant] First off, I'm deeply disapointed with this one, the lip syncing is barely off [It's hard to lip-sync well when it's only 18 fps] plain and simple, I'm unsatisfied with it, but I refuse to fuck with it in attempts to make it better. Although it's not up to my standards, I have no doubt of this gaining significant popularity. It may not be on the front page this year but that's alright, so long as it doesn't get flamed to death as my previous submission has.

Beside's which, it should be a good start as far as flash is concerned, a decent way to kick it off with the regular's of Newgrounds. It's not horrible, but not cinimatic either, which is really sad 'cause I wanted it to do the actual Evil Dead movie's justice by having it be APAP [As Professional As Possible]

Now onto more recent new's, yes I did update my submission this year with the proper preloader and a subdecent replay button [The sound it make's just make's it so fucking awesome] and looking back on it now, seeing how much work I put into this project, it just feels like it wasn't worth the effort. This is somthing that could have been finished in a week's time but, nooo I had go back and give them new body's on every individual fucking frame [BTW, there's almost 3000 frame's] which occupied more than enough time to have made about 30 copy's of this one movie from scratch.

Maybe that's what's so disapointing about this mess of frame's. Maybe it's because of how much unecessary work I put into this for such a little project. It's rendered me helpless basically, seeing as how difficult it was just to finish this one project, I'm not really feeling up to making more flash movies.

But maybe now that I see how this project should have been orcesterated, I won't make the same mistake again and I can run off that to give me reason to make more flash. Yeah, maybe so.

But anyway's, even though there arent any holiday's [That I know of] in September, all I gotta say is happy holloween. I hope you'll like the project I exhausted myself over, seeing as how hyped I was while making it, I hope you guy's will feel just as hyped watching it.

Lata my fellow Deadite's, I'm off to make one more finishing touch to the project before I'm done completely, hopefully this unfinished business I have to attend to will help rejuvenate my confidence in this project flying swimmingly [You know what I mean >_o] and will also help improve the movie significantly.

So in salvation, I will resort in falling into the noob/virgin category and ask you to be gentle and that this is my first time whilst keeping a positive attitude come this October.

I'm probably gonna go play video game's and spam the BBS for a while.

Cyanora, Shadow the NGer. [lol, I made a funny!]

It's done.