Affable misanthrope, common narcissist, incorruptibly amoral, aspiring arsonist, friendly neighborhood psychopath.


Joined on 12/18/06

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Psychopath's News

Posted by Psychopath - October 30th, 2009

I'm still in the process of mah secret flash moveh, I'm like, 20 seconds in.

Anyway, I'm probably gonna go get some delicious vendables here soon.

Did I mention that I actually live in South Park now? It's actually named Alma, but is often reffered to as South Park.

There's another place around 7 miles from here called Fairplay that more so resembles SP from the show, but both places are reffered to as South Park.

Alma kicks the living shit out of Fairplay, I hate Fairplay, it's the ugliest looking place I've ever seen, and I live next to a placer mine. Alma might not be much, what with it's delapitated buildings scattered all over the place an such. But it has that homey feeling to it whenever theres snow on the ground. So it's okay, typical mountain town.

I'd really like to go hang out at Breckenridge today, but meh, Dillions more fun.

Posted by Psychopath - October 14th, 2009


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Posted by Psychopath - October 12th, 2009

I probably violated 30 copywrites claims here.

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Posted by Psychopath - October 10th, 2009

This game was awful. First off, there's only one maze, and if you have a wired mouse then oh boy are you in for it.

The only real way to beat the game is through a cheat I found.

Holding down Shift + tapping the Tab button. It'll automatically select the checkpoints for you. Make sure you count up to five checkpoints, 'cause the fith one is the closest to the end. The ones after which are just decoys 'n shit.

Then, hit the wall with your curser. Hit the checkpoint button and you're well on your way to the 70 pics included in this mess of frustration.

Thats another thing, wouldn't you figure that there'd be 70 mazes to go with that as opposed to just the one?

It doesn't even qualify as a game. It's a fucking slide show.

And about the 70 pics, there should only be 25 especially being the fact that there are only 25 pics in here that are worth saving.

The pics either have horrid artwork, you already have them, they're badly distorted or all the above.

It's a shame because I was expecting orginal work that couldn't be found else where. But what I found was a slew of random artwork by a variety of differen't artists that you couldn't find on Lu.scio.us.

But the 25 pictures I mentioned are still okay. Everyone else may not feel the same way I do, so I'll let you be the judge of that.

I give this game 3/10 for being such a broken peice of junk. It might be able to restrict you from trying to pull off the more obvious tricks and cheats, but anyone can hack around it easily. And theres not much reward for your efforts either.

Also just to give you an example of what the gallery's like.

Furry Maze review

Posted by Psychopath - September 24th, 2009

Posted by Psychopath - September 21st, 2009

This is my new clock, he's Easter Egg Clock. I think he's talking to you.

Well he's not new, but the vid is new. Also new pic in my art section.


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Posted by Psychopath - September 10th, 2009

For some reason people think that this was a serious attempt at an innovative flash movie as opposed to it's true nature as a simple gag.

No I'm not gonna be a spammer [even though I do fancy myself as the reincarnation of Piconjo, I do have a tendency to think of him as a rushed, pressured and underdeveloped muse after all.] and no I don't plan on making this a theme in my submissions or in the CFC subs for that matter either.

There are three reasons as to why I did this flash.

#1: I wanted a short and easy gag to make money with on Flash Ads. As you can obviously tell I'm incompetent with programming the damn flash ad. I'm hoping to figure it out before my collab flash departs from the portal.

#2: This serves as the very first Crap Flash Crew collab on NG, it's too bad that we didn't have a proper animation collab between all the members. But the Rosie O'Donnel gag was there, it wasn't doing anything but sitting in our folders so we decided to put it to good use.

I mean I was really excited about this. This is our first collab as a crew and as buddys.

And the best part is that it really was a collab!

#3 My buddy InfernoCPF has never had a successfull submission and he's actually made some good stuff before. But none of his submissions have ever passed through before... So I really wanted to do somthing special for him. I wanted him to have a flash movie [which he did create BTW. I wasn't a one man band in this project. Infact all I did was reformat the vid into an SWF file and tweeked it a little to fit the file size standards.] that he could be proud of.

It's his, he made it and now, it's in his trophy case.

Am I ashamed of this flash and it's horrible score? No, of course not. I'm just happy with the reviews, I mean, out of all the other flash movies I made before, this one has the heaviest amount traffic.

Am I embarresed that I couldn't conduct the ad right? No, actually. It was my first time trying it out and as stressfull as it was, I'm still proud of getting this far, even if it is a short coming.

Besides which I didn't activate the ad yet so I can still fix it.

I mean, 8 comments in one day? I know it's kind of low but still it exceeds my expectations.

The point is that it was successfull, and not just in passing through. I mean it's successfull in drawing in a crowd.

Now I know that Evil Dead Ejaculations has double the amount of reviews, but those occured over the course of an entire year! And of course Whoopzilla is only two behind, but it made those comments in the amount of time it took to upload and exit the portal.

Although I did have a crappy GIF [The GIF you see now is a revised one I made in light of the fact that I now have Fireworks to make GIFs with] and uploaded it late but thats still beside the point.

So let this be a lesson, that the GIF icon is half of what makes a flash successfull.

So hey, keep the reviews comin'. None of them are really negative anyway so go for it.


And I promise to have more innovation with my future flash.

Posted by Psychopath - August 21st, 2009

Basically I tried to kill five characters in NG Rumble survival mode on OMG difficulty by running aroung and grabbing items.

When I decided to continue onto Salad Fingers I wen't for a lightning bolt and it zapped me instead of Salad.

Needless to say, some crazy ass glitch occured.

I am god of NG Rumble

Posted by Psychopath - July 3rd, 2009

It's been century's since I was able to access my account.

Well thing's have been incredible; It's like thing's are really starting to pick up for me.

I have a new PC desk. [RTA alway's make their shit sleek and shiny] and a nice, brand new desk chair for the new PC desk.

I got the chair for free, it's got nice transparrent wheels, metal... well, everything. The arm's are also made of metal and are attatched to the bottom of the back which give's me plently of much needed elbow room with nice, black, rubber arm's [That doesn't sound right...].

It's in perfect quality, the chair itself is made of... Fuck I dunno, but it'd damn confortable, and furthermore it matche's my desk!

I've been working on alot of stuff lately, kinda scrambly really.

The real kick ass aspect of my life currently is the fact that many [not much, but alot non the less] of the file's that were supposedly errased during the twelve reformat's were recovered yesterday! Including the file's I downloaded from Limewire! Shweet!

I can't think of a better way my life can improve right now.

Also, I'm gonna get on board with the NG ad revenue plan, so that I can start making cash of my own!

I feel like that somehow, thing's can only get better from here.

Posted by Psychopath - April 2nd, 2009

First, let's start off with the big pisser; Inflatable Matress'.

I went to sleep at 3:00 A.M. last night with a fully inflated matress and woke up diped onto the floor. This is fucking bullshit, this is the second matress that's done this. WHY DO THEY KEEP DEFLATING?! I hate waking up from a 3 hour sleep and onto the hard fucking floor. This is a double queen sized matress, this is bullshit.

I obviously can't sleep on the floor so I tried gathering enough throw pillow's to make a bed with and that doesn't work, so I try do to it the way Dante from Clerk's did it; pile up a bunch of clothes and sleep on that.

Doesn't work, so I try to sleep on the furniture downstar's, crampt but still comfortable. One problem, we have no curtain's for the living room, so broad fuckin' daylight come's in shining as bright as fuckin' possible to keep me awake.

No matter what I do, God basically want's me to be an insomniac and wont let my sorry ass sleep.

Now onto another pressing matter of my sorry existance. I sent in my voice demo and resume into FUNimation the other day and for some reason it feel's like that this is gonna be one of those thing's that doesn't respond for over two year's and by that time I'm obviously doing somthing else.

So what I'm gonna try to do is go into the Major League Gaming tornament's and win the prize money, just one problem, my mother wouldn't approve of paying 10 buck's a week to train up.

So my final option is going into the logging business, if you live in Colorado I'm sure that you're aware of the Pine Beetle outbreak. Now the government is waving 45mm around to have all the infected and dead Pine Tree's cut down. Just one problem, I don't have the money it would take to pay for the equipment I need to get the job nore do I have the man power to qualify.

So fuck it. I'm officially a loser. Life fuckin' suck's. The world was not built for a fifteen year old to be successfull in.

And you might be thinking "Well you're too young to worry about thing's like that. You should only be worried about school." Hey, guess what, I'm graduated and no I don't have a college intuition waiting for me.

I'm tired of waking up on the fuckin' floor. I'm tired of having to get my "parents Permission" for everything. I'm tired of being challenged to meet unreachable standard's.

Fuck it, I'm gonna send my resume every-fuckin-where I can. Fuck it, I'm gonna join the MLG. Fuck it, I'm gonna get a logging license no matter how much it costs, I don't care, I'm used to busting my ass for everything I get.

Fuck it, that inflatable matress can deflate all it fuckin' want's to. But say halo to my little friend! His name is DUCK TAPE!