I could swear to God this had already been submitted like five months ago.
I could swear to God this had already been submitted like five months ago.
I re used some scenes in the first few minutes because it's supposed to be the same event of the last cartoon I made just from another perspective
You appear to be off to a good start. Here's how you deal with sound in Flash movies: first your audio file needs to be in the WAV format because Flash is finicky when it comes to MP3s, you'll want to import the sound to the library since it won't import into the timeline like photos. Then you'll drag and drop it to the timeline.
In the properties you'll notice a menu for settings like Stream, Start, Event & Stop. Be sure to pick Stream for linear movies, Start mode forces the audio to play to its full length before it'll play again, regardless of where you are in the timeline. Event will also force audio to play to its full length but it won't prevent new plays of the same audio, meaning that the audio can play in an overlap, multiple times if the frame length is short enough. Stop mode will literally stop the audio file no matter what setting you gave to it prior; the way that works is that you have a set of frames with the audio on either Stream, Start or Event mode and follow it up with a frame with the same audio that you want to stop under Stop mode.
We're also now going into audio optimization. When you look at you publish settings [under the File tab] you'll see two settings called Audio Stream and Audio Event. You can change either of these to enhance or compress the audio in your SWF when publishing. The settings I keep are MP3, 160KBPS, Stereo. If you'd like to save these settings for future publications, you're gonna have to create a new profile [the [+] symbol] and import the profile the next time you use it.
Next is the last thing I have to say about audio. Don't import files with more than 44,000 Hz, Flash can't properly handle anything above that threshold and will compensate by decelerating the audio.
Next is something of a universal convention, for the record, this is something to be expected on Newgrounds; get a preloader. You can get them for free right here: http://www.newgrounds.com/downloads/preloaders/
Add one of those to the first frame of your Flash movie and you're good to go. If you want the animation to continue looping and skip the preloader, add some ActionScript to the last frame of your movie: gotoAndPlay(2);
You've got better potential than most of the chucklefucks around here. Keep it up.
chucklefuck..lol. thankyou so much for this, Hyun (aka flying panda) sent me an email explaining this aswell, but i accidently deleted it and didnt wanna bug the guy by keep asking questions, he is a busy bee after all. so i appreciate your help. very in depth. the first time i tried doing audio was when i was practising lip syncing to a song, but whenever i pushed play to check that it went with the words, it would play the whole song, and wouldnt stop, and i couldnt just listen/watch a part in the middle. so this helps so much.
Why hasn't this man received the status of King of The Portal yet?
i know right, one day....
I don't know what happened but it seems as though that your video editing software corrupted your Flash movie at around first second of the movie. You may want to take this down, upload the SWF file and be done with it.
Yeah thanks I thought the clipping was only on my side. It should be fixed now though.
There appears to be a critical problem with your Flash movie, it goes straight to the replay button after you press play. This implies you have the replay button at the second frame and not at the ass end where it belongs. In fact, I downloaded the file and looked at it with Sothink SWF Decompiler and you did indeed stick it at second frame. Since it's also programmed to go to the second frame upon pressing it, I'm assuming this was unintentional. It needs to be fixed.
I noticed this, i had to fix it twice already, don't worry i noticed.
What fucktard is saving your shitty speed drawing videos? Are they saving your tripe because of ponyfaggotry?
Or maybe just because other people actually like my videos and because I present them as something that can show some type of artistic view in this world. See psycho I don't know if your mad that I post drawings that actually look decent compared to yours or you just hate me because I'm a brony.With with I don't really care because it's people like you who should stay away from sites like these because you're a bad influence on others if you don't like my stuff it's fine I understand but don't shit on people for what they like.
Hey guys, I've got a great idea, let's bomb this open field where no one lives! There's nothing here so that makes it a great target to waste our precious resources on! It's not like we're fighting an uphill battle against the whole fucking world after all! We're evil so that makes us nonsensical! You do know that they never bombed civilian targets until the Battle of Britain, right?
The background assets are decent but they're not on par with say, Adam Philips. The animation, on the other hand, is horrible. I once critiqued a walking animation made by a contributor to the Edd's World movie and the review prompted him to take it down, this was beneath that by a milestone.
Your walking animations are overtly simplistic and terribly executed as I can plainly tell that in the opening animation sequence of the two characters walking up the hill there's only four frames of actual animation padded out to about twelve frames and among those four core frames the most detailed and accurate the animation gets to the actual act of walking is that he puts one knee forward, then a default standing position if you consider having both legs extend out behind you at once a normal standing position and then the other knee forward which uses the same art assets as the first frame with the small modification of erasing the conflicting outlines of one leg over the other. This means that neither character is truly walking any more so than they are just swimming in a vertical position through the air as they're not actually walking on the terrain but more or less just kicking backward.
Their bodies don't move up and down as they walk despite those odd support appendages the normals call "legs" moving out from under them and coming back to the central body of mass again, in fact their bodies move up as their legs move away so it's even worse. Furthermore, since they're being tweened across the stage that means they're never truly making contact with the ground as the animation in the movie clip symbol isn't connected with the pace of the motion tweening of the background, foreground and the forward movement of the movie clip containing that very walk cycle. Their legs are kicking faster than the progress they're making up the hill.
Even when they're framed so that you can't see their whole bodies, the walking cycle doesn't make any sense; the guy is bobbing forward and pulling back while the girl in the back just bobs forward and leaps back to the first frame of her animation. Even when you have forced perspective and hidden body parts on your side, you still failed to convince me that they were legitimately walking forward.
My suspicion that they're simply swimming forward by kicking their way through the air is completely confirmed when you get a back shot of the two running toward the cliff past the tree. This time you didn't fuck up the sequence of how the body should descend and reascend during the walk cycle because you didn't even bother trying that time, their upper bodies remain at the same Y axis as their legs kick back but never thrust forward.
I swear to Christ you almost pulled it off during the next shot where the perspective is set to their front and their lower bodies are hidden behind a hill because the animation and art is so simplistic it almost works... but then you show their legs once more and I swear they don't even touch the ground anymore, the man's shins are now stubs as the man lacks any feet to speak of and his right leg only extends a little bit to the ground before leaping back up.
Oh boy, now we get to see them talk with recycled mouth movements as their clothes blow so "violently" in the wind contrasted by the static grass in the background and-- oh my God, the features on their faces move freely across their faces but their heads never physically turn because effort is for amateurs. I didn't know one's eyes weren't directly connected to ones face, it's bad enough that you recycle the same three frames for mouth movements but you didn't do it to save your energy for bigger and better shit, you simply just suck.
By the way, the smoke animations are terrible. Take example from the author NEXTVIEW-designs that smoke is supposed to be smooth and freely expanding, not a laggy sequence of reused frames because you're too stupid or too monumentally lazy to even try to use the onion tool in Flash. They're also not meant to maintain the same shape as they tween to get bigger.
I'm honestly shocked by the way that the only time you get a walking animation right is when the perspective is set on the man's feet and nothing else. Not that it saves this movie, even a broken clock is always right twice a day.
By the way, the only way I'm honestly able to believe that you fucked up putting blood on a person's face is that you fucked up everything else so Goddamn hard.
I especially love how neither character knows that there's a war going on, one that has been in the works for decades. When you hear air plane blades spinning in the distance, one might consider the idea that they're fucking air planes.
By the way, I like how we only know the character's names through the fucking description box. Chase only says April's name at the end. That is HORRIBLE writing. It's like I'm watching Evil Land all over again as this is yet another example of unwarranted popularity from a bloated author.
Affable misanthrope, common narcissist, incorruptibly amoral, aspiring arsonist, friendly neighborhood psychopath.
Joined on 12/18/06