Wow... What a plot twist.
Let me guess. Mister dark and creepy is actually the sheriff. HAHAHA! I actually thought that Jesus was gonna help Hank kick Tricky the poltergeist/clowns ass! HAHAHAHAHA! I was way off! I never knew that the whole conflict between Tricky and Hank was just a game to Tricky that Hank oh-so desperately wanted to get out of! ._. ...... And for any one who was wandering where the hell the giant came from just pay attention to the ceiling when Hank is going down the first flight of stairs before the elevator and you'll see a dead body with spikes plowed through it just like the spikes going through the giants head. Then you'll realize that its actually a spell. Not random. There's another one when Hank gets the chainsaw. But when Jesus kill's Hank I think that its because he wanted to set Hank free, he wanted revenge or it was a direct order from either the sheriff or another higher official like God or perhaps even... Satan? And by the way for those of you who couldent figure out the plot and the Improbablity drive allow me to explain it to you: The clown's name is Tricky and he's the one who resserected Hank because in Madness 6 Tricky revives him and in this one he tells Hank that he wasnt a very good play mate and that he needed to do a better job so he resserected him just to kill him again in hope that it would be funner this time but when Jesus appeared he wanted to stop Jesus from killing him (Think of Freddy VS. Jason and you'll see what I mean.) Cause he wanted to kill Hank himself but didnt acheive his goal of finishing Hank off at his full power (And possibly Hanks full power.) But didnt get to. But since both Tricky and the Improbability drive are gone the only person who can bring Hank back to life would be Jesus but I bet you anything that Jesus isnt up for that idea (Considering the fact that he killed Hank to begin with.) And since Hank doesent want to live I dont think that we'll be seeing him for a while. Unless he comes back looking for answeres as to why and whom sent Jesus after him. But I'm guessing that the entire plot is set up to just become a huge joke for the entire reason Hank went after the sheriff to begin with is because he got an empty box that said PIE on it prior to Hanks killing spree. But then again there might be a curroupt goverment that was using Hank as a dart board that they keep breaking and repairing. But there's still the question as to why there was a second sacrifice in the room that Hank was in when he first got the chainsaws. Oh well. But you have the art skills and the speed of a painting god. I'm guessing that we'll be seeing another one in a few weeks?