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All Achievements

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Try to obtain the shotgun and the hand gun as quickly as possible, they literally throw your enemies onto the other end of the screen and knock their guns out of their hands. Never use the flamethrower; it's a terrible projectile, it doesn't stun your enemies worth a crap and it has terrible range.


#1; Beating the game is more or less about learning the art of One Man Gang Rape; pile on top of your enemies into a corner with the strongest weapon available to you and blast away. The hydraulics work to your advantage in this regard.

#2; Another decent stradegy is to climb ontop of the cliffs to the left and right with one of the power weapons mentioned above and wait for individual A.I.s to assault you and blast them out of mid air, knocking their weapon out of their hands, inflicting damage onto them and possibly depriving the A.I. of their weapon for the remainder of their lifespan.

#3; Another advantage is to floor everyone and get them to drop their weapons, grab the most common gun out of all of them thus depriving everyone of a projectile.

There are four different class' of A.I. in this game; Zombies, Thugs, Agents, S.W.A.T. & Tricky.

The Zombies are the weakest out of the whole bunch, they take the lowest amount of hits to kill; 2 shotgun blasts and they're done. Unfortunately they don't have weapons, so you can't ever update your inventory or restock on ammunition. The upside to that is that you'll never have to worry about being shot.

The Thugs are the second easiest to kill, not much to say about that.

The Agents are tougher to kill, they're smarter and stronger. They take something like double the amount of damage as the thugs do.

The S.W.A.T. team members are the strongest in hordes, they wear Kevlar and other armor so they're the hardest to kill.

Tricky the Clown doesn't come in multiple numbers, there's only one Tricky per Zombie round. Although he is particularly the strongest out of everyone, he's also one of the easiest to kill, namely because none of his subordinates carry weapons and the weapon he carries is easily obtainable.

There are no boss characters, if you even consider Tricky to be a boss at this point. The 40th level doesn't feature zombies, but it is the easiest one out of the last five levels, mainly because the hydraulics activate and you can practice the almighty art of One Man Gang Rape.

The A.I. are easily exploitable:

#1; if you jump ontop of a cliff either to the left or to the right, you can basically leave the game for 3 hours & come back with full health. The reason why is because, although the group of subordinates who pursue you are constantly trying to jump onto the cliffs, unless the hydraulics are activated or they jump from the middle platform, they'll never succeed. The only way to get them to jump from the middle platform is to shoot them either in mid air or simply off the platform.

The only issue you'll have to worry about is if they get smart and decide to shoot your ass through the floor; seeing as how Zombies lack projectiles of any kind, with the exception of Tricky, you'll never have to worry about that.

#2; None of your enemies ever attack you from behind. unless you're on ground level, they'll usually come upfront to assault you, so don't be afraid to not turn to one of the morons behind you, he'll fix the problem for you.

#3; Anytime a subordinate knocks you on your ass, anybody making physical contact with you, which is usually everybody, with sympathetically drop with you thus causing them to drop their weapons, giving you an opportunity to One Man Gang Rape them all with their own weapons.

Always buy more health, occasionally update your speed and strength. By level 40 you should have 100 Health points, 24 Speed points & 5 Attack points.

:: REVIEW ::

I like how you can update Hanks speed and get his sluggish ass moving for once, where as every other game he's in he moves at the pace of an obese snail.

Also, the music gets real annoying, real old, real quick.

All Achievements

When you start up the game don't hit the skip button, and wait for DOMO to rise up.

Once DOMO rises up don't do anything at the start menu. After a few seconds the cutscene will start.

During the credits click on the drum in the background.

During stage 2, go to where the blue dragon is. Hit the eagle's eye (to the left of the dragon) multiple times to enter a mini-game. Too bad after the mini-game it restarts the level.

When you start the game click the fish tank in DOMO's room (if you don't see it hit TAB).

After the credits, gnomes will come and steal your chicken! Hit the sign in the background to bring out Fat Bastard.

In the car mini-game hit the green powerpuff girl into the water.

During the credits click the red fish in the background(on the left of the screen).

At the beginning of stage 2, hit the boy that's running. Die to restart the level and hit the girl if you haven't already.

At the beginning of stage 2, hit the girl that's running. Die to restart the level and hit the boy if you haven't already.

In the first level do not get hurt by the dragon and kill it.

Don't take any damage in the first level

Beat the game

Beat the game twice.

Destroy the car in less that 20 seconds. Just mash the "A" button.

Kill 90 penguins. You have to do this in one try, as in, kill 90 penguins before the 3rd PPG fight. Just go up and down shooting as fast as possible.

When playing whack-a-powerpuff-girl hit the cones and other objects to have this guy drop more items. If a eddy appears do not hit it just leave it alone. You can easily tell the eddies apart from other objects.

When the car mini-game starts hit all of the powerpuff girls into the water with out damaging the car first.

During the "GIANT CRAB BATTLE" after you trade your stick for the shell; click the crab's underwear.

MEET THE WINNERS acheivement

Missing Contestants

Teryaki Circuit: Level 6:

Just before you reach the water puddle just before the second back of fish chips, turn back, jump ontop of the floating platform and continue climing to the left and to the right until you find the first Missing Contestant who proclaims "HAHA! You'll never beat my time!"

Crater Stadium: level 4

After obtaining all three box's of fish chips, dive down into the hole and land into pit of toxic waste. Then walk over to the second Missing Contestant who proclaims "I live one quater mile at a time!"; his location should become obvious to you after obtaining the first box.

Spicy Tuna Bowl: level 2

After obtaining all the fish chip boxs, you'll come to a ramp with a cannon launching fish chip boxs at you; crawl underneath it and continue onward to the end where you'll find the third Missing Contestant standing on an elevated platform and proclaims "Time is a luxury you don't have!"

Angry Ninja Arena: level 5

When you come to the first trampoline, drop down to the floor and run underneath the ramp, slide underneatht he pole and you'll find the fourth Missing Contestant standing on a log who proclaims "Mr. B is looking for me, don't reveal my hiding spots."

Promise broken, sorry.

Bang Wong Colosseum: level 1

When you obtain the second box of fish chips in the tower, continue jumping the walls until you find the last Missing Contestant who proclaims "OUTATIME!"

All Achievements

Happy Hatter: converse with Hatter only using the sentences located at the top of your options box, after leaving Lewis' body, turn back to Hatters cell to find his message written on the glass wall.

Hatter, Mad: converse with Hatter only using the sentences located at the bottom of your options box, after leaving Lewis' body, turn back to Hatters cell to find his message written on the glass wall.

Something Fishy: first you must obtain all your items:

#1; Glass shard located on broken mirror in your cell
#2; Torn cloth located on your bed
#3; Magical Nut located in the toilet, must obtain during flush sequence

The two following items serve no relevance to the game or the plot, all the achievements are scorable with or without them. But if you feel like obtaining them here's their locations:

#4; Button located by Lewis' [from viewers perspective] right hand
#5; Bell located underneath the pillow of your bed [far left, blocked by foreground]

After which, click on the X-ray photographs thumbnailed to the wall above Lewis the Gorgon, click on the photograph of the key underneath the note, turn to the right and converse with Hatter.

After which, combine items #1 and #2 to create a shank safe enough to hold. Then cut into Lewis, select the Magical Nut and use it on Lewis.

After which, use the shank to cut into the bottom right side of Lewis' stomach, click on the two pair of red glowing eyes, stab the worm with your shank, attempt to obtain the key and wait for the Magical Nut to wear off.

Leave your cell, go to the elevator [to the right], take another right, click on the terminal, type in the words "unlock march", take two rights, obtain the photographs of Rabbit killing Alice from the safe you opened, take another right to Raymond Burr's portrait, click the buttons until his head changes to a chicken, his badge turns to a heart and his hands are on backwards, dropping a pill.

A door will drop from the ceiling, enter it. Now push the button on the terminal you located outside.

Clam Sham / Secret Medal: type the words "oystercloud" into the terminal where you typed in the words "unlock march".

All Achievements

Brawn: Use the brick to break the security pad on your front door, then pummel Dweedle Dee and Dweedle Dumb with the pipe.

Brain: Use the penny to hack into the security pad, criss cross the wires on your security pad, then feed the mushroom you buy to Dweedle Dee and Dweedle Dumb by planting it in their drink which sits behind them on a table.

Out With A Ding: Bypass the Dweedle brothers, dial 555 4513 on your cell phone, access the slot machines setting switches located below the slot machine's screen, then change the chances switch to "1 to 1" and beat the slot machine. Then go into the bathroom stall located on the far right, go into Raymond's laboratory, attempt accessing the elevator, receive the text message, leave the laboratory, locate all 3 the video tapes;

Possible Locations:

1: Bathroom stall
2: Kitchen
3: Club entrance
4: Dumpster
5: Rulio the shroom dealer

Play all three of them in the TV/VCR hybrid located above Raymond Burr's head in the laboratory. Then turn to the elevator one more time, receive the text message from Ann, go back to the bathroom, locate the gun in the bottom middle drawer underneath the sink and go back to the elevator and access it to end the game.

Lucky Rabbits Foot / Secret Medal: Constantly throw the switch on the slot machine, without rigging it, until you win. You can bypass all the phone number bullshit with this.

P.S: For those of you who are complaining about there being no explanation to the current events, watch the ending that appears after the end credits.

Great but a few things.

I absolutely despise the fact that you pick up weapons simply by walking over them. Which is really fucking annoying especially since they're more than likely the weapons you don't want.

And I also hate how Tricky was given that bucktooth design, he looks like a joke.

The weapons are unbelievably inaffective against... Everyone... You'd figure that after one or two hits the henchmen would die but no they take like a billion.

Even with the chainsaw it's ridiculous. Especially since during a fight with Tricky the only way to get more weapons is to run out of bullets, which is an automatic deathstamp as fighting with your fists and kicking at some henchmen that won't die or back off while getting beatin' up by the giant demonic clown makes somthing as simple as collecting a new gun unbelievably frusterating.

It was okay. Enjoyable at least. Needs alot of improving.

More characters. Longer storys.

Two extra characters just doesn't do it to me. You only used the mascot characters.

Where's the Blue Klayman [prefurably Pik]? Where's Blockhead, Foamy, Durge, Bittey, SBC, BBQBeefBurgerMan, Beebo, one of the Retarded Animal Babys, Jerry Jackson, BurntFaceMan, Kerrigan and all those other characters on NG?

And why is it that all of the storys only last a period of 3 fights?

The game is great but I feel that you cheated out on the other characters.


I love the game but it exhausted my fingers. The ending I thought was really disapointing, I thought I was gonna fight decaying old people that were strong as an ox and sturdy as a crab. But what I get is the Grim Reaper, okay, but then a kart chase down the hallway? Why would you have Golf Cart's in a hall way at a nursing home? Whatever. But then I make it down the hallway to fight the Grim, and he goes down in like two hit's from the machine gun I got from that guy on the resporator. I'm sure he would have been IMAO hard if I didn't use the obvious two hit kill tactic and kept shooting old people on the 4th floor up until I got to door 18.

Also, why was the end cutscene so anti cilimatic? It's like, okay so you did all this under the impression that there was a pot of gold at the end, but then, disapointment. You may as well have said "you can't win, either way you lose."

I won't spoil the ending for other's who still haven't made it yet. But I just gotta say I really didn't like that.

Now for the positive's!

I really enjoyed beating the living hell out of all the old folks, infact, I had more fun with this than I did with Dad 'n Me! [which say's alot] although getting hit constantly and barely getting a hit in edge wise I still liked running around punching old people and knocking them on their ass, in a way, the frusteration manipulated the situation to make fighting them more satisfying.

This game is my basic stress reliever, whenever I've had a bad day I just come to play this all day long and forget my woe's. Also strangely enough this game reminds me alot of dead rising, some guy beating off a hord of walking corpses picking up weapons where ever he can find them. That kind of thing.

The best part were the mini-games, my favorite was the one with the Ice Cream and the nurse and my least favorite above all would have to be the one where you had to catch the old men's crap XP

Above all, a great game but really disapointing.

I beat it

Level one was just weird. It was just... Disorianting.

Affable misanthrope, common narcissist, incorruptibly amoral, aspiring arsonist, friendly neighborhood psychopath.


Joined on 12/18/06

Exp Points:
41,570 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.00 votes
Audio Scouts
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
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