On behalf & request of @DoctorStrongbad, I am making this post to inform you, his fans, of his rivalry with another user sending this PM to people in his fanbase:
"Hey there! I think we've talked once before a long time ago, if not, my memory kind of sucks so bear with me. lol So this probably seems kind of weird, but I just wanted to give you a little piece of advice from one user to another. That advice is that you shouldn't be a fan of DoctorStrongbad like you are. The reason I'm saying this to you is because I saw that you follow him. The guy is such an egotistical jackass that it's not even funny. The guy made a thread for himself yesterday, need I say more? Yes, actually...
He always asks new and vulnerable users to follow him and he has at least four alt accounts that he has used to follow his main account and praise himself on the forums. These are the accounts if you don't believe me: GayestGoth, BuffBill, Scotthall3000 and sawedoffkiller. Go to their accounts. Notice how they only follow DoctorStrongbad? Yeah, these are alt's of his. If you look through their posts you'll see every one of them praising DoctorStrongbad. You can find the GayestGoth one praising DoctorStrongbad in the latest news post on his page.
Plus, I'm not sure if you know about the New User Introduction thread, but if you look through his posts in that thread he says the SAME THING to everyone who comes through. "Blah, blah, blah. Enjoy your stay." Know why? Because he just wants to up his post count. He doesn't give a rat's ass if a new user joined NG. The only thing he cares about is his stats. He'll even 'greet' old users who post in that thread saying, ''Welcome, blah, blah, blah. Enjoy your stay" because he's such a stat whore. It's always the same kind of thing said, but to a different user. He doesn't care about any new users that join because DoctorStrongbad only cares about DoctorStrongbad.
I'm sick and tired of him posting insincere welcomes to new users and being an egotistical ass who doesn't know when to stop. I'm trying to make some users more aware. I suggest not following him anymore because it just makes the guy stronger. If you decide not to believe me, that's your decision and I respect that. Just know that every person that praises and/or follows him is tolerating his massive ego and him not giving two shits about anyone but himself. Don't let his stats fool you. He's not a good user and I want more people to realize this. I'm just trying to do this site some good, unlike him.
Thanks for reading this."
The user sending this PM around has a history of vandalizing the site with abusive reviews using alt accounts in droves. The user in question is ChaingunSnake. When Strongbad announced his new HomestarRunner fanclub thread in one of my blog posts, Chaingun approached me about kicking Strongbad out of the Whistle Cow Crew, calling Strongbad cancerous. I said no and that such a penalty for something so insignificant would be an overtly extreme move. We suspected that the user deftonesfan665 was an alt of his as well but @BrenTheMan confirmed that they use separate IP addresses and have never cross-used the same IP. I don't know why he has such an intense hateboner for Strongbad but I digress. If you receive a PM like this telling you to unfollow Strongbad, the recommended approach is to ignore the PM and block the sender. We hope this heads-up will clear the air and end the issue. Thank you for your time.
@abyssaldarkness @arcadedominator @avant-garde @bobbybroccoli @chocomilk @deathguy10 @dirtyscoundrel @dragonslayer004 @food123 @gooch @icecreammac @john9814545 @lenke @makehimanoffer @mikaelazarian @myownchickens @neoslayre @oreganokicker @protagonist @rhem180 @shalaylex @sniperguy12345198 @stevoawesome @t4upl @theleader532 @tokio11 @venomationstv @wojoe @xrayfiles @zodiacson @andre11 @artdestroyer @bannanah @boomstick @cadence5010 @cadence5010 @claymaker2000 @denisowator @donald-trump @emma @furrygod @haleyroxs @iloveminions @kompibutut @lordslime @manaphy @mixtapepanda @mysticvortex13 @nor @otone @psychedelicsamurai @scotthall3000 @shiftyhyena @sp34k3rm4n @stupidmcbutt @thecrazyman @theswellware @trojanstudio @vicariouse @wolfxtr001 @zabujard @andrej15 @aswater @beckyrawr @buffbill @cg91 @cosmiconionring @dheroredmagma @dr-worm @fleart @gayestgoth @hanna-barbera @imlunchboxx @kryzon @lordvista @megacharlie159 @mrjiggyfly @natty23 @oolaph @pink-ninja @pussyshark @sentrycube @shitxuzar @stardoge @superultraausterity @thegamechanger @tigger10 @umam0123 @vinnyy @xenomit @xenomit @zj
just like what i expected im not the only one get this email...