Read this and see if you can spot any errors in this message.
I never got the concept of the scouting system... like ever. That's always just been some gatekeeping bullshit. If we really need quality control for the Art and Audio Portals, there should be Judgement phases for them just like the Flash Portal. At least then you and a chain of other people branching out from you don't suffer consequences for the one screw up you let into the fold. Why would I ever scout anybody if it could be so damning to my status? Why would I ever take that risk? Furthermore, why would I let in my own competition? This divide between haves & have nots in a place that prides itself on its free expression is really quite gay. It used to be that you could just join and get exposure quickly but now you have to "earn" the privilege of having the opportunity to get exposure & if you happen to be tangentially attached to a rule breaker, you can lose your privileges in spite of doing nothing wrong.
it really doesn't make sense, how could you ever predict that someone would break the rules, especially if it was by accident? i'm just as confused as you are homie