I just read Fulp's news post on the Blog update. I'm currently testing out whether or not you can use this new system to embed SWF files in your blog posts. You see, if embedding is allowed on an InvisionFree board you can embed Flash into a post using the code intended for Youtube with ease. I personally think it would beneficial to be able to do that in your news post on Newgrounds because, after the four years I've been signed up to the CPMStar ad revenue that Newgrounds provides I've noticed that in-page ads on your account page provide way more than the in-page ads on a submission page.
By the way, I've just noticed that there's no preview button, why is that? That's kinda important.
EDIT: Nope. Does not work. Let's see if the DoHTML code for InvisionFree works:
[doHTML]<object width="550" height="400"><param name="movie" value="http://uploads.ungrounded.net/586000/586368_Bilbo_the_Diabetic__9.17_M.swf"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://uploads.ungrounded.net/586000/586368_Bilbo_the_Diabetic__9.17_M.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="550" height="400"></embed></object>[/doHTML]
This is some bullshit. Why can't you embed SWF files into your blog? SWF files are pretty much the spinal cord of this website.
<object width="100" height="100"> <param name="movie" value="http://uploads.ungrounded.net/586000/586368_Bilbo_the_Diabetic__9.17_M.swf"> <embed src="http://uploads.ungrounded.net/586000/586368_Bilbo_the_Diabetic__9.17_M.swf" width="100" height="100"> </embed> </object>
ya know you bring up a good point about the embedded .swf files. It'd be pretty fucking nice to have those
It'd fit right on in with Tom's omni-content concept where the userpage is just a Twitter feed for content and activity, at least it would as a placeholder or prototype to what I think he's gonna do.