Affable misanthrope, common narcissist, incorruptibly amoral, aspiring arsonist, friendly neighborhood psychopath.


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I'm Mr Bilbo Baggins

Posted by Psychopath - December 10th, 2011


i bety you like dildo baggings lolololololol shove off

youve been banned suck on it newbski lololololo :)

<Insert Preloader Here> Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I'm Schizophrenic and so am I. Funny little story for you. My father once owned an Australian Champion Pure Bred German Shepherd, whose pedigree title name was Toillie Bilbo Baggins. We just called him Ali after Mohammed Ali. I have no idea why though. And I have no idea why I'm telling you this either and neither do I. Quite frankly I'm a little worried about me and about me too.

Sounds like you're just essentially giving up the argument. Say, remember way back when you asked me to help you blam spam submissions? How's blamming submissions without preloaders any different? I mean, both of those two things suck to equal proportions, they just follow different dynamics of sucking.

its funny that you're so serious about the preloader shit that you submit abusive reviews. irony

What's even more ironic is that you've exhibited that you don't even know what even constitutes an abusive review. Nowadays any kind of negative critique, regardless of how constructive it is, is now considered abuse.

"I can't believe that the Flash portal has become so ghetto that I actually have to tell little fucktards like you the following.."
"Stay on the topic of the submission and do not make personal remarks or insults towards the author. This is a big offense. Telling artists "You suck!", "You should go kill yourself!", or "You are gay!" will get you banned and you may lose your account. Without our contributors Newgrounds wouldn't be what it is, so we take seriously any insults directed at them by reviewers."

you tell me

That would qualify as an abusive review if that one phrase constituted all the critique I wrote, which it doesn't:

"Preloaders, learn how to use them, stop using FLV's for minuscule animations and learn how to use the properties tab in Flash to readjust your height x width proportions so that way the stage doesn't outsize the actual content."

it doesn't matter that you added more shit to it, you broke the rule. you don't insult the author. i'm not sure how more obvious it could be
do not make personal remarks or insults towards the author
do not make personal remarks or insults towards the author
do not make personal remarks or insults towards the author
do not make personal remarks or insults towards the author
do not make personal remarks or insults towards the author
and even if youre still too dense to see that, it's already bad enough that you actually get animated over some guy's flash not having a preloader
holy shit you started a goddamn crusade over it

"it's already bad enough that you actually get animated over some guy's flash not having a preloader"

What the fuck does that sentence even mean? What you're saying here suggests that I was subjected to being featured in a parody Flash movie and furthermore that I had control over it, or some shit.

Additionally, you forgot that one rule supersedes all; constructive criticism. If I do this, it's not considered abuse because it's not complete abuse, I would have to be far less elaborate and far more blunt for it to fall underneath the category of abuse.

For someone who's been around for four years, you don't really seem to know how the rules actually function and only seem to have a vague familiarity with them at face value.

To give you an idea of how lax the review mods are and how much they really give a shit about blatantly abusive reviews, look up a user by the name of Jigsaw80puppet, someone who was once notorious and well hated here on Newgrounds but was never truly punished for his unchallenged onslaught in the art portal.

really? you've never heard that phrase? it means you're getting pissed off over something stupid.

yeah it's okay if you abuse someone in a review if you just abuse them a little right? the rule isn't stay on topic or don't insult them. it's 1) stay on topic. 2) don't insult the author. and even if you, once again, still think you didn't break the rules, you should probably go outside or something. there is no reason to get this mad over some bullshit. but if you think that it's okay to talk shit as long as you 'balance' it out with some preloader rage, go ahead man

No, I've never heard the phrase "get animated" before. The word "animated" means one of two things;

#1; Full of life or excitement; lively.
#2; (of a movie) Made using animation techniques.

Neither of those two definitions fit into the context of what you said, because with the first definition you imply that I became enraged by the material lacking a preloader even though by definition the word "animated" has a happy connotation. I can't imagine how it could be the latter as that makes even less sense.

And for a person who constitutes the majority of comments on my blog, you're not really in the right to call me out on having a rage fit, especially since you claim that you've only spent a sum total of 3 months on the website in proportion to the time spent on this blog post.

also what the fuck does me being here for 4 years have to do with me knowing whether or not the review mods are strict about the guidelines? i don't care about review stats enough to know anything about the mods' actions or lack thereof, i don't read threads/news posts/whatever whining about review bans or lack of review bans. and i dont lurk here 24/7 either. i signed up in 2008. actually i've got an account from '05. but i have never been on here consistently for more than 3 months at a time. maybe thats why i think going on a rampage over trivial things is hilariously stupid hmmmmm

The amount of time your account has existed for implies a certain amount of expertise over the place you joined because the amount of time spent on a website can correlate with your knowledge of it. I can't rely strictly on your BBS activity or your level because that doesn't directly indicate expertise as one can ascertain such a thing by means of mere observation.

And speaking of raging on and on about stupid shit, here you are, consistently arguing with me over the merits of blamming submissions on the grounds that they lack preloaders. You care enough that I hold a negative opinion over SWF files lacking preloaders so much that you're willing to argue for days at a time over review guidelines despite the fact that you openly admitted to having less knowledge over the matter than I do. For someone who's supposedly more intelligent than me, you're quite the hypocrite.

To put it simply, by admitting that you've only spent a few months on the website as opposed to my five year run kinda validates my argument that I understand how the rules function to a more intricate degree than you and trying to condescend to me on how the rules function is idiotic.

And bitch, please, don't over exaggerate my actions by calling it a "rampage" as if I'm causing serious property damage all over the portal when in reality it's just an attempt at quality control, as in the reason why the blam/protect system even exists to begin with. In essence, I'm cleansing it, not ruining it; it doesn't need any of my help to become total garbage.

I enjoyed your responses in that boku thread, so I gave you a fan. Much love.

Are you seriously trying to humiliate me by upping my stats? That's not how you cause embarrassment, that's how you assert submission. Idiot.

Nope, I just don't give a shit and enjoy hostile responses. QUIT FEEDING THE TROLL.

http://www.imageleech.net/data/me dia/1/LOL-I-TROLL-YOU.jpg

To be honest, I'm just fucking with you. Not really looking to make enemies or the sort.

Not really, no, you're not. At least you're not succeeding anyway. You're not a real troll, you're an idiot who made himself look like a massive retard in the BBS and got yelled at for it and then you proclaimed "LOL I TROLL YOU" to save face. Matter of fact, you're still trying to save face.

You still butthurt over a simple question? Your loss kiddo.

Me butthurt? You're the one who keeps coming back to post in my blog dumbass.

Clearly i'm winning because you're the one still arguing with me, and getting pissed off by my dumb responses, face it, you've been trolled and you're only going to keep getting trolled and butthurt so long as I post here. much love. <3

If you really aren't just bullshitting to try and cover your ass, then answer me this: why did you edit your five day old blog post two days ago to say "You guys think i'm an asshole/troll."? Did you not realize that I can actually see the edit date? I mean, you made the edit two days ago, simultaneous to when you first started posting in my blog; if it wasn't meant to look like evidence to support your "LOL I TROLL U" claim, then why didn't you just make a new post instead of editing an older one?

I know why:

http://www.imageleech.net/data/me dia/1/LOL-I-TROLL-YOU.jpg

The next time you try to plant evidence, try and do it on a site that doesn't reveal edit dates, imbecile.

So you mean you're perfectly fine with the shit hole that is our generation? Wow, I feel sorry for you.

You have no idea how contrived and pretentious you sound do you?

First post, admit you guys love me
Second admit you guys hate me.
Third Admit it you guys think i'm an asshole troll.

Also irrelevant, I change my shit as I please, and when I please for the simple fun of fucking with people, you however, are the funniest and most butthurt thing I have ever trolled because your "logical arguements" are being bested by someone (me) who's beat you at every turn by out trolling the troll. So you can try to say "i'm bullshitting and covering my ass" but the things I do are in o way affected with your own bullshit of failing to countertroll, sure you can post irrelevant links, but can you truely get under the skin and win a fight with someone who's sole purpose is to continue trolling you until you give up? Because at this pace, you'll never win, and may as well smash your computer. Or you can Do the real logical thing, and Ban me from posting on your page. Or are you still intent on winning a fight against the master troll? Because either way you do it, you ban me, you still lose, proving you're incappable of winning a pointless and useless arguement. Or you can continue to argue with me at every turn and angle insisting i'm wrong, but in turn only proves you're an idiot feeding the troll, so what'll you do? Nothing, because this is checkmate for you. Face it, you've been outsmarted and everyone who ever has, you attempt to shoot down only to fail. So tell me how's it feel to fail?

It feels like I'm reading someone panic as they try too hard to type at a fast pace causing them to form nonsensical sentences like "Face it, you've been outsmarted and everyone who ever has, you attempt to shoot down only to fail.", forget grammar rules such as capitalizing the letter "i" when referencing one's self, use words such as "affected" in a context where the word "affiliated" belongs and misspell words such as "argument", "no", "truly" & "incapable".

So tell me, how's it feel to fail at spelling a two letter word?

Further proves my point, you're still butthurt, and target things of no relevance. You have only destroyed yourself. :* Much love, and see you soon.

Oh it was relevant, because if you're a master troll then why would you make so many syntax errors like that? Lots of misspelling and grammatical errors are classic signs of e-panic, as in, the last thing a master troll would allow for.

You know, when you start to brush off every point as "irrelevant" I sorta cease to look like the butthurt one.

I miss our conversations, how've you been?

Guys don't waste your time on this fag.

Implying their time was worth anything to begin with, alt.