Affable misanthrope, common narcissist, incorruptibly amoral, aspiring arsonist, friendly neighborhood psychopath.


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The staff hypothesis: Abusive content; A-okay. Spamming in the BBS; Wrong.

Posted by Psychopath - November 21st, 2011

Normally I'd accept a ban with no retort but tonight I'm feeling a bit rebellious. So I was lurking on the BBS and found this shitheads thread and decided to make parody threads mocking it. I wanted to bump them all in just the right order so that I could get a screen capture of them together and post the screen cap as the punchline.

I was banned and my parody topics were deleted. Here's the thing I don't get, I was banned for being uncontributory to the BBS, yet that fuckface DarthLeather get's a free pass for doing the exact same thing? Fuck that. The rules state that we're not allowed to do shit like bump old topics or make multiple short posts under a small time period. But that's not the reason why I was banned now was it? How often do parody threads get a free pass? Never. But really, how much of that supposed bumping actually goes on without punishment? All the time. DHT's excuse is that I posted multiple short posts in a short period of time. I say "excuse" because that wasn't his motive, it was his opening. For whatever reason, mods really fucking hate parody threads, yet we're on a website that is mostly a bunch of Flash movie parodies.

I see a few flaws with the staff team, especially in the region of the Art portal where abusive reviews and porn run rampant and despite how many people might flag a review that constitutes of "Burn in hell faggot!" the review is neglected and apparent for all to see. If I were a review mod my first target would be the art portal just because of the insane amount of rule breaking that goes on therein unchallenged. I'd even do it for free.

Of course that's the reason why I'm not a mod; whenever I report abusive content, that is content that is regarded as against the rules, such as stolen content or porn, I get told to fuck off and the content is given a free pass. Whenever I do fuck off and do my own thing I'm told to fuck off again. My point is, when stolen and malicious content gets a free pass then why shouldn't I? I've had artwork get removed from the portal because it was perv bait, but whenever I report perv bait I'm just being irrational. If fair is fair then remove this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this.

That's only to name a few, there's 179 pages worth of perv bait in the art portal that Mods hadn't removed. If fair is fair then I should get to do fuck all whatever really. Hell I think that in just archiving this list that I've done more work in the art portal than the art mods have.


Well.. i didnt bother looking at your links but i think you are a bit mistaken about what the staff actuallly does. Most of the bbs and moderating of the site is done by moderators, moderators are users within the community that have taken it upon their free will to 'police' the site. Naturally you'll have some mods that moderate things differently.

As for the art portal stuff. Yea theres alot of cleanup to do, it kinda spiraled out of control in some areas and its a matter of playing catch up at this point...

I would gladly moderate the art portal if you'll have me.

We take stolen content pretty seriously, so I really doubt anyone's blowing you off in that respect, as for the perv bait stuff,

I agree, and we should start with this atrocity
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/phsychopath/mistress-moogle-colored">http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ph sychopath/mistress-moogle-colored</a>

It's not even in the art portal, it's just on my account, so it's allowed.

Oh and stop lying, I have been blown off before when reporting stolen content to you. The only time I haven't was when I reported a Sega game to Johnny Utah.

Its against the rules to ask to become a mod. Its something you earn after being a good regular for some time.

Its still view-able, its still perv-bait, and you're just as disgusting as the rest that submit that shit.

just saying, and yah, bitching about mods and how they operate is the perfect way not to become one.

I'm pretty sure that the rules state that if you want to upload porn that you're to not submit it to the art portal but that you are allowed to archive it to your account. So no; "We try to be tolerant, but reserve the right to draw the line on adult material. In general, funny stuff gets a pass but downright pervert-bate may cross the line" but hey, fair is fair, yes? I had artwork get deleted because it was perv bait, so by logic, all the perv bait in the art portal. Matter of fact here's my review delete notification;

http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/it em/ecbb6ebc6a19ff046a3daf881023b6 aa

E<a href="http://www.">www.</a>. you linked furry pics. But it's okay, it's considered art anyway. "Hentai" if you want to call it to draw nude characters are still Art no mater how overrated it is because of perverts. I actually no see any rule about submitting those in the submit form. In fact, Wade replied me to a message long time ago but about these news posts "Cartoons are generally okay. It's images of real people we don't want." I guess this also works on the Art Portal. Anyway, you're kind annoying making this public. Flamer.

179 pages of perv bait ...
... oh you've just selected the Mature and Adult filters.
You want to delete all the Mature and Adult classified pics.

You'd be a terrible art portal mod.

Luis, quit being diplomatic. For one thing, all the pics he's shown are mostly tits, which are Mature classified. Any problems we've had have already been sorted out by moving the classification to adult, or in some case deletion.

Obviously physchopath can't see the work we've done, since we've already corrected it.

If tit pics are cool then why was this deleted from the art portal?

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/1163449


You linked the wrong thread, there, champ.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1211940/1">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1 211940/1</a>

It's got nothing to do with the tits.

Occluded never actually found the artwork I supposedly stole from, he just pointed out exaggerated anatomy and said "see this, this is the reason why it's stolen".

Ask ReNaeNae.

Im simply pointing out smut is smut, archived or not.
Nothing is ever clear cut and its up to the mods discretion to decide if a certain piece crosses the line. A lot of those submissions were categorized properly and while may not be my cup of tea, they are definitely strong works of art .

Even smut that can be borderline unacceptable has a greater chance of staying in the art portal if they show effort.

If you are upset your smut isn't sticking, maybe you should practice your anatomy and line art, to double your chances, instead of lashing out on the art and mod community for your shortcomings.

PS. not only has reviewing negatively on artwork out of spite killed any chances of you ever becoming an art mod, continue to do so and you will not be able to review at all.

If smut is smut then that must mean fair is fair and every smut piece should be destroyed because mine was deleted for it, including what left I have in my own archive, so yes delete it all, because that would mean that I'm no longer being ostracized.

My smut wasn't deleted because it wasn't up to par. It was deleted because it was smut.

PS; I'm not the first one to leave reviews out of spite, go check out the reviews from a user called Jigsaw80puppet who goes around leaving abusive reviews. My reviews don't break the rules because I don't outright say "burn in hell" or "kill yourself faggot", I give actual criticism, the motive shouldn't matter.

... what the fuck is your deal?

You know it was deleted because it was traced.
You made a big deal about it being deleted because somebody claimed it was traced
(<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/852724/303">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/8 52724/303</a>)
(more exactly: <a href="http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/14/22061000/ngbbs4ce359d6656f1.jpg">http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/14/22061000 /ngbbs4ce359d6656f1.jpg</a>)
I KNOW It was taken down because the report said it was traced.

Don't change the story so it compliments your current lame quarrel with the site because it's got NOTHING to do with the tits.

Well since you KNOW that fact so well, you can post a link to the content I stole from couldn't you? Otherwise your argument holds just as much water as Occluded's, I feel sorry for the poor soul who had to be judged by the jury that held Occluded in it's company, his excuse for condemning that poor person was probably "I can see it in his eye's, he's totally guilty".

You know it was deleted because it was deemed inappropriate.

I recall ReNaeNae not being able to tell me why it was taken down and when I tried to access the artwork when it was deleted I found a message that told me to keep my smut in the archive and not to upload it to the portal.

And no, those thread posts you referenced were in response to Occluded ostracizing me to make himself look like a better artist among his peers. Our speck ended before it was deleted.

Also, why were all of Occludeds posts in the forum lounge deleted? Is he trying to make himself look victimized now? I can't get a link to the art that was deleted because the posts he made in the forum lounge in which he referenced and critiqued the artwork is gone. I may not recall correctly, but I'm sure he had a link to the artwork.

"My smut wasn't deleted because it wasn't up to par. It was deleted because it was smut."

there's 179 pages that prove that theory wrong.

"PS; I'm not the first one to leave reviews out of spite"

good reason to consider you for modship,

you're obviously in your own world here. So Ill just leave you be.

"As for the art portal stuff. Yea theres alot of cleanup to do, it kinda spiraled out of control in some areas and its a matter of playing catch up at this point..." ~Luis.

There's a quote from an admin that validates that theory.


( c )( c )

jus sayin

somehow i think using a website to take on the staff of said website cannot be a smart thing to do...

lol another shitty artist blaming the system :3

sorry didnt mean to step on a mine!

In regards to the art portal. The review system is a bit buggy in it at the moment and will probably remain buggy until the redesign. We art/review mods aren't able to scan a comprehensive list of flagged reviews like we are with flash and audio. For now if you find any abusive art reviews on a piece (not on a users page, because often times those have already been cleared.) flag it and PM any art mod who is also a review mod. IF it is abusive it will be deleted.

As far as the "perv bait" goes, the art mods have had long, long discussions in regards to it, and have come to the conclusion that we have the filters for a reason. If you dont want to see M or A art, filter them out (or dont click on them). Things might change in the future when a more in depth list of rules is thought up (dont hold your breath though) but for now the safest course of action is just turn the A or M filter on and go on with your life.

To be completely fair When ever some one breaks the rules they are punished also you have to remember a few key facts about Newgrounds.

1. It's not a site for kids.
2. Everyone on this site is a faggot, no exceptions.
3. Whining gets you know where.

And that's the truth.

I made a painting of a woman with a cat on her crotch and it was front-paged, lol.

Hey mom!

Either this guy is an amazing troll or a huge cunt.

Regardless: I see no problem with all pornographic art being allowed, but it aint my site, so I accept whatever rules are in place. In the end, these aren't life-shattering problems we're dealing with here, so get the fuck over it. Wow.

Also if you feel like you want to draw a picture of tits, go have a quick wank and that urge will fade away. In this way we bypass the entire argument. I love you guys.

I must really apologize, but I commented with the sole intention of posting my opinion on this subject, and not to suck anybody's cock for that matter. I honestly think you are up too high standing on that pedestal of yours, thinking you actually deserve to be a moderator. Also disregarding everyone's opinion, when they clearly present a very logical argument.

I think you would be a dreadful art moderator given the chance. As you seem to lack the maturity that is required to even qualify to be an overseer of this site. I'm going to be frank and say that you are mistaken. Deeply mistaken, since all the "perv bait" you see are really not hurting or affecting anyone in a harmful way.

Plus it is up to the viewer if they would want to view the travesties you linked on your page. No one forced them to view that kind of material. So you really can't blame anyone when it comes to these things.

I'm going to say that you are making yourself look like a complete imbecile, someone who lacks basic common sense about trivial issues like these. Turkey said the reason they removed your shit is due to the reason that you traced them. But you continue to deny this, trying to cover up your ass. You are annoying, no one cares about you.

What do you contribute here anyway? Do you actually do something of any significance to enhance this site? Do you make this site more respectable by showcasing your talents for everyone to appreciate? Oh wait. No, you don't. You just sit here ranting about things that no one cares about.

I have to say that I originally thought Occluded was wrong about you, but you proved otherwise. He was, in reality, spot on on how dumb you are. How stupid you act, and the dumb arguments you present whenever you are caught in a corner. Do Newgrounds a favor, and fucking leave. Don't come back.

Go to DA or some shit. With all the other attention whores like yourself. I wouldn't be surprised if you make a lot of friends there. Because idiots with the same views stick together. Good day sir.

P.s. Your pics look like shit too. You don't have fucking talent.

For a guy who can't finish complete sentences, you're one to call me dumb; "Fifty-50" suits you very well.

Also, what do you mean "nobody cares about you"? You cared well enough to leave this long ass reply, does that mean you constitute as "nobody"? And no, why would I go to DA? They have the same problem there as I have here.

You're like a mercenary of communities, you only side with the person who you could benefit from the most. You couldn't benefit from either me or Occluded so you played both sides of the field. Go stick your nose back into Mindchamber's asshole since that's all you care about, flake.

Furthermore, you should be happy that I'm here dude, people like me make people like you look "better" by comparison so you could get that mod job you want so much.

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